Femspiration #1 - Jennifer Scott (My Mother)

19 January 2018

When I decided to do this part of the blog, I couldn't decide who was going to be the first female to be featured in my Femspiration posts.

It is worth noting that as time goes on, some of the posts in this feature will probably be dictated, by things going on in the news, by historical events or just by the time of year.

As a new feature, I  have always been convinced the first post will defiantly be a bold statment of #femspiration. I was thinking the likes of Oprah Winfrey. A female who is known by many, whos story has been told by many and a woman who has already inspired so many. Super famous, super inspiring and pretty much a super woman.

Then I wrote a facebook post to inspire my friends about a personal experience, and recieved so mamy comments of how inspired people were from this story, and there I realised the first female in this feature had to be the first female in my life. My Mother. Jennifer Scott. Not super famous, but to me super inspiring and definately a super woman.

Jennifer Scott; Fist pumping every victory.

Strength is measured in so many different ways. I have always known that my mother is a woman of strength, as a single mother she struggled and sacrificed for me in every way but never once gave up. All my succeses today are hers. But today, she has shown me a new kind of strength.

TODAY, she walked around her bungalow with her new frame and even made herself a cup of tea and she did it with the greatest smile and sense of achievement. Simple tasks to many but a milestone for my mother! I have never been more proud or more inspired.

Let me explain.

5 days before Christmas after rushing down the Motorway. Consultants told my husband and I that my mother would be having major spinal surgery in the morning to ensure she is not paralysed, due to her spinal cord being compressed by a cancerous tumour. My mother is 52 and was at work the day before we were told this! We were told in no few terms that the surgery may not be a success and she may not walk again or have full feelings in her lower body.

TODAY is just 4 weeks to the day of the surgery and what she has achieved has impressed everyone. She is aware that her mobility may never be what is was before, she is still in a lot of pain post surgery and she knows the battle is far from over as we have to fight the Big C.

But for now her 'fist pumping' moment was that simple task, to be at home and walking around with her frame.

Her strength, I know, is down to two things;

1. Her Faith in God

2. Her mindset.

Her mindset to always keep going, to never let the odds dictate your outcome and, no matter what, to always fight and NEVER give up.

If any of us can adopt that strength that I have seen in my mother in the last four weeks then we can overcome any battle.

Let's celebrate all our victories no matter how big or small. with that same 'fist pumping' sense of achievement. Reminding ourselves that there may be many battles ahead, but every battle won is another step forward.



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