We're having a baby!

4 August 2018

I’m  growing a human in my belly!

An actual human! Well according to my many apps, its only now beginning to look remarkably human!  Previous more alien / Tadpole like!

But beside that it’s an actual human, with a heart beating away and arms and legs that can now bend at the elbows and knees, and can suck it’s thumb. I know! Madness!

Our family of two is about to become three and life as we know it is about to change!

The FAQ’s

Baby Amies-King is due January 2019.

We are not going to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl, We love the idea of it being a surprise! Plus its 2018/19 we are not limited to Pink or Blue, and we won’t be anyway once the baby is born! We both really like a lot of unisex clothing that is out there, and plus we are all for a girl in  blue tractor dungarees and a boy in a pink shorts set!

We have some names we like. Some names I like and some names Thomas likes. In all honesty, we have a long list and at some point will make a short list. We will then probably make  a short, short list and hopefully at some point I hope we can whittle it down to two names for each sex and then decide when the baby arrives!

We are super excited! Like super excited and feel very blessed. Without too much TMI it didn’t take us long to conceive, and I know that there are people who are trying to conceive (ttc) for years! So we are aware we are super lucky and super blessed!

Am I scared? This is a hard one to answer for me! Being an health care professional (Paramedic) I take a very medical facts view a lot of the time on all things medical. So for now I am very much I trust in the Midwives and Doctors, that medically this is nothing new, women for years have been doing it and the human body is incredible, and does what it has to do! On the other side of this, I can also be the worse patient ever! Firstly, sometimes knowledge is a bad thing! And that can make people in healthcare, not the best patients! But secondly the very thought of pushing out a baby (probably with a big head if My husband and I are anything to go by!) well... enough said! But I will cross that bridge when the time comes!

Pregnancy has had its up and down’s but I will leave that for another post! But all in all, I am very happy and feeling better each day!

On that note, as well as this being an announcement post, this also serves as an explanation to my absence on the blog and social media! Between sickness and tiredness and everything in between, the blog and social media has been the last thing  on my mind!

As I am starting to feel better as I get comfortably into the second trimester, I am hopeful I will be back writing blog posts and posting more on Social Media.

But if I go quiet for a few days or weeks, then so be it. I am growing a human after all, which aside from being pretty incredible, is my number one priority right now!


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