The 2018 reading list

8 April 2018

I have made it my aim to read more books this year. I  do love reading, aways have from a young child, but I don't put aside the time to read these days. I wouldn't say I don't have the time, I believe we can always find the time to do anything, we just have to put in the work to plan our time better.

So with that in mind, I am putting together my reading list for the year, and would love you help to expand my list with books you are reading / looking to read this year too.

I like to read most genre's apart from horror/thriller/murder that stuff is not my thing so please let me know your suggestions.

My current read: Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed

- I have been looking for an inspirational book to start off  my reading in 2018 and give me that new year inspo. I got this book from the hubby for Christmas and OMG it is brilliant and so me. This book is about high performance, growth and achieving success. It draws on examples in healthcare, aviation and sport.  Hello this book is SO ME!! - The healthcare profession, the aviaton geek and the sports lover in me cannot sit still.

Review so far: Its a great book, it draws on some great examples of high performance and success and how this can be translated to everyday life.

So along with the current read here is my current 2018 reading list:

* Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult - heard so many good things about this book that I must read it.

* Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Sthetterly - I bought this book intending on reading it before I watched the movie, but I gave in and watched the movie, but I am determined to read the book too.

* When Breath Becomes Air  by Paul Kalanithi -  Being a healthcare professional I do like to read books in and about the mdeical industry. Paul Kalanithi is a doctor who was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. He goes from to doctor to patient whilst also becoming a new father. This book highlights the relationship between doctor and patient, but also reflects on life and mortality.

* Sarah Knight Books - Her books are described as 'Self-help with an edge' by Vogue and sound right up my street. The first book; The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**K  shows us 'How to stop spending time you don't have doing things you don't want to  do with people you don't like' - I SO NEED THIS BOOK IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!

* I Know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou - I read this book in secondary school and it was  pretty life changing.  I have made a vow to read this book , along with Maya Angelou's additional six volumes of autobiographies and some of her poetry books. She was an phenomenal, inspirational women and extrodinary writer.
Her stories and poems written many years ago are still so relevant today.  I love the poem 'Still I rise' so empowering.

On the poetry note, I do love poetry. So poetry recommendations also welcome.

Please comment below your reccomendations and I will post at the end of the year all the books I have managed to read.



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